Newsletter May 2011


JUNE MEETING IS: June 8, 2011




JUNE PROGRAM TOPIC: Show ring etiquette given by Tara Defendorf and Laurie Neubauer



May 11, 2011, MEETING

The meeting came to order at 7:30 p.m., and there were 23 members present.

Secretaries’ Report:   The Recording Secretary asked if all had reviewed the April 2011 minutes and if any corrections were needed.  Maureen K said the name of an NDS member mentioned in the minutes should be corrected to read Teresa H not Theresa H.  The Corresponding Secretary said she received a thank you card from Lori P for the gift card.  Get well cards and gift cards were also send to Michelle S and Kathy Pi; and a thank you card was received from Kathy.  Laurie N made a motion that the Secretaries’ Report be approved and Maureen K seconded the motion.  There was a vote to approve the Secretaries’ Report and all members voted “aye.” 

Treasurer’s Report   The Treasurer reported that there was approximately $11,184 in the treasury.  Members asked how many NDS members there were last year, and the Bob B said there were about 100 members compared to 85 members this year.  Terry Brooks made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be approved and Nancy B seconded the motion.   There was a vote to approve the Treasurer’s Report and all members voted “aye.” 

President’s Report:  Tara D again reminded members about driving safety.

Old BusinessNone.

New Business:

Show:   Co-chair Laurie N said there were about 15 entries for the NDS show on June 5, 2011.  The show committee feels the reason why there are so few entries is because of the economy and the weather this spring—horses have not been worked enough to be in shape for the show.  Laurie suggested that entries be taken up to the show and the late fee for post entries be waived.  Laurie also posed the question whether emailing the prize list and making it available on the NDS website rather than mailing it is working.  Sue Z said she prefers having the prize list mailed to her.  Last year there were 28 entries the day of the show, and the prize list was also emailed and available on the website and not mailed out.  Nancy B suggested that something be sent out about our show being a “warm-up” show.  Bob Balso said we need to make a decision whether the dinner should be canceled, since there were so few people signed up.  It was decided that a decision would be made about the dinner on Monday, May 16, when more people had the opportunity to sign up.  It was also decided that an email be sent out immediately about the show and the fact that this year entries would be accepted up to the show with no late fee and to ask people to sign up for the dinner by May 16, and follow-up calls be made as well.  Laurie also announced that there would be a show committee meeting at her house on Tuesday, May 24, at 7 p.m.  Esther R again told members that show sponsors were needed.  The pin commemorating the 25th anniversary NDS show that will be given to competitors and volunteers was passed around.

Quilt:  Sue Z asked members to give her their completed quilt blocks no later than the next meeting in June.  Seven squares have been turned in, but 12 are needed for the quilt.  She also requested members to return their quilt blocks to her if they are not going use them, so she could give them to other members to use

Meeting Program:  Tara said a program is needed for the June meeting—a program about show turnout was suggested.

Open Forum

Former NDS member Don Steg passed away.

Sue Z said the CDE clinic has been canceled due to the inclement spring weather.

Esther R asked if anyone knew who the mystery NDS member was mentioned in the April newsletter, who turned out to be Ruth F.  Esther also suggested that someone write a critique of proper manners in the show ring as an article in the newsletter.

The next meeting will be on June 8, 2011.

Bob B made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Nancy B seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Submitted by Kathy P, Recording Secretary


                  UP COMING EVENTS

        JUNE 5  NDS 25th ANNIVERSARY

                      PLEASURE DRIVING SHOW

        JUNE 26 SILVER SHOE FARM               

                        DRIVING COMPETITION



        JULY 30&31 EAST AURORA                      

                               CARRIAGE DRIVE



                 JUST A THOUGHT

     Where there’s smoke there’s fire…

     unless you’re trying to light the grill

     with your last match.